I work with individuals and couples on a range of issues impacting well-being including anxiety, depression, relationship challenges, substance use, workplace difficulties, stress management, trauma, and grief. Learn more about my therapeutic approach here. I am trained in tele-mental health and offer telephone and video sessions where appropriate.
I am a registered neutral with the Georgia Commission on Dispute Resolution and have participated in hundreds of hours of mediation as an attorney. I can mediate general civil disputes as well as family law cases. I draw on my mediation training and experience when working with couples in all contexts.
Guardian ad Litem
I have been appointed to serve as a Guardian ad Litem in contested custody cases by Superior Court judges in Georgia. As a family lawyer and a mental health professional, I am well-qualified to represent the best interests of the child.
Mindfulness &
Stress Reduction
I am trained in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and maintain a regular personal yoga and meditation practice. I am currently enrolled in a two year Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher Certification Program with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield. I work with individuals and groups who wish to learn more about the benefits of a mindfulness practice. I also facilitate weekly mindfulness groups from time to time. Please contact me for more information.
I am a Board Certified Coach and offer executive coaching for individual and corporate clients. Coaching differs from counseling in its focus on achieving peak performance in the future rather than healing from past issues. As a coach, I work with individuals to develop a plan for achieving specific personal and professional goals. My experience as a lawyer and a lobbyist enables me to see the big picture and think strategically. I also work with management teams of corporate clients to facilitate the resolution of employee conflict. In all coaching contexts, I focus on motivation and accountability for clients.
Family Law Consulting & Coaching
As an experienced family lawyer, I bring a unique perspective to the client facing a divorce, custody, child support, or other family law matter. While I do not provide legal advice, I draw on my years of family law practice to offer therapeutic support to clients during this high stress process. I understand how litigation can trigger clients' anxiety and can be available for both in-office sessions as well as telephone consultations to manage the range of clients' emotions.
Co-Parenting Counseling,
Parent Coordination,
& Collaborative Law
I work with parents who have separated on how to co-parent their children. This process can help parents who wish to minimize the adverse impact of divorce on their children. I can facilitate the development of a parenting plan and help parents navigate disagreements in an effort to avoid litigation. I am also trained in collaborative law and can work with the parties as a divorce coach or child specialist. For high-conflict parents who agree to appoint a parent coordinator, I can resolve disputes regarding existing parenting plans in lieu of going to court.